What I did was log into NCEES and notice see both my most recent exam authorization and my last exam result from FS in 2010. I opened the FS result and just by chance noticed that the URL had a specific unique numerical identifier in it. On a hunch I opened the exam authorization and found a number with the same amount of digits in the URL of that, so on a whim I put the number from the authorization into the URL for results and bam a result letter popped up. It didn't say anything different than what was already available on the NCEES site, ie no actual result was shown, but it was kind if cool to see the result letter with the exam I had just taken. So anyway I thought it was neat and no big deal because nothing was really shared that wasn't supposed to be and so I posted how to do it in the results thread.
About 10 minutes later the little loophole had been closed and then I got an email from Tim @ NCEES ( director of exam services) saying he was disappointed, pointed out that such information publicly posted could lead to more malicious intentioned people finding more severe vulnerabilities and that even by cutting and pasting the stuff together it was still in violation of the user agreement with their site. He said they were considering the matter closed (implying that they weren't taking any action) and asked that I contact him directly in the future if I discovered any more such possible weaknesses and not post it publicly. I apologized and we're moving on.