The VTEnviro Memorial 73.4k

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NJmike must be like a kid on Xmas morning. LOL

And all we needed to do to get akwooly posting again was start a 10k? :huh:

sort of funny to have a 10k in honor of VT considering he never posted in one. He avoided these things like the plague.

My thoughts as well, and the reason I posted the picture above. I believe that's the only thing I saw him post in any of the 10k's since I've been a regular here.
He'd post in them, but only as an alias. To honor VT I think only aliases should be allowed to post in this thread. :D

sort of funny to have a 10k in honor of VT considering he never posted in one. He avoided these things like the plague.

My thoughts as well, and the reason I posted the picture above. I believe that's the only thing I saw him post in any of the 10k's since I've been a regular here.
He'd post in them, but only as an alias. To honor VT I think only aliases should be allowed to post in this thread. :D

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