The VTEnviro Memorial 73.4k

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Every morning at the mine you can see him arrive, he stands six foot six weighs 245,

Kinda broad at the shoulders and narrow at the hips, and everyone knew not to give no lip to Big John.

No one knew what John called home. He just drifted into town and stayed all alone. He talk much, he was kinda quiet and shy. If he said anything, he just said hi. Big John

On that day, deep down in the mine, a timber cracked, and men started crying, everybody thought that they had breathed their last, except John, big bad John.

He grabbed a saggin timber, and let out a groan, like a giant oak tree, he just stood their alone.

Twenty men scrambled, and twenty men saved, till theres just one man left down there to save. John, big John.

With jacks and timbers, they started back down,

Till they heard that rumble deep down in the ground, gas and smoke poured out that mine, till they knew it was the end if the line for John big bad John.

They never reopened that worthless pit, they just placed a marble stand on top if it. These few words are written on that stand " on the bottom of this mine lies a big, big man, big John"

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