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Your word for today is: mubble fubbles, n.

† mubble fubbles, n.
[‘ A state of depression or melancholy; despondency, low spirits. Chiefly in in (also out of) one's mubble-fubbles.’]
Forms: 15 mubble fubbles, 15–16 muble fubles, 16 mumble fubbles.
Etymology:Origin uncertain; perhaps imitative. Perhaps compare slightly later mumps n.2 2, mulligrub n.
colloq. Obs.
A state of depression or melancholy; despondency, low spirits. Chiefly in in (also out of) one's mubble-fubbles.

1589 J. Lyly Pappe with Hatchet sig. D4v, Ile make him pull his powting croscloath ouer his beetle browes for melancholie, and then my next booke, shall be Martin in his mubble fubbles.
1592 J. Lyly Midas v. ii, Melancholy is the creast of Courtiers armes, and now euerie base companion, beeing in his muble fubles, sayes he is melancholy.
c1610 Christmas Prince (1922) 152 And when your brayne, feeles any paine, with cares of state & troubles We'el come in kindnesse, to put your highnesse out of ye mumble fubbles.
1654 E. Gayton Pleasant Notes Don Quixot iii. xi. 145 When shee was in the Mubble-fubles.

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