The VTEnviro Memorial 73.4k

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They have baby giraffes at Southwick's and my daughter loves giraffes.

She better behave though or I'll leave her there.

I like being up before everyone else in the house

I like being up before everyone else in the house

I like being up before everyone else in the house

I like being up before everyone else in the house

I like being up before everyone else in the house

I like being up before everyone else in the house

I like being up before everyone else in the house

usually the dog wakes everyone up when I let her out

usually the dog wakes everyone up when I let her out

usually the dog wakes everyone up when I let her out

I need to be more patient though and let her explore a bit. I need to not be such and engineer about going in order. Go with the flow.

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have you taken her to Sturbridge village? I thought it might be boring for the kids, but we literally spent the entire day there. They really liked it

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