The VTEnviro Memorial 73.4k

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have you ever gone camping with two dogs that when combined weigh more than you do?
No, I haven't. :)
I haven't either, but I can't imagine being able to very nicely... especially since Ana is so protective
Not to mention all the dog food you would Hall into the woods
they actually have their own back packs, lol
our old dog had her own backpack. she had to haul her own food.

If the dog is big enough, they can carry your stuff too.

so, now we must decide, should we camp out this Saturday night so that we may enjoy one too many beverages at the race
Umm....ya. What's to decide. LOL

and I got this fandangled hybrid laptop thing working so I can actually post on EB with out posting a smile face
What was wrong with your laptop?
it was too new and all the factory settings hated eb...
We've been through that. Let me remotely access it and it will be fine. I'm using a Windows 8.1 machine with and no problems. I swear it's your ISP.

haven't found cheese curds down here
We have plenty of those too. Pretty much at every gas station. :)

Our pup has a life jacket for the inlaws boat.

she had her own life jacket too

both can swim, never thought about a life jacket

If the dog is big enough, they can carry your stuff too.

Ana has lost weight and we have her down to about 90 pounds... Rex is weighing about 78 pounds, but I'm not sure how much of that is hair, he's due for a trip to the groomer because my clippers need to be replaced and it's just easier to take him somplace

so, now we must decide, should we camp out this Saturday night so that we may enjoy one too many beverages at the race
Umm....ya. What's to decide. LOL

and I got this fandangled hybrid laptop thing working so I can actually post on EB with out posting a smile face
What was wrong with your laptop?
it was too new and all the factory settings hated eb...
We've been through that. Let me remotely access it and it will be fine. I'm using a Windows 8.1 machine with and no problems. I swear it's your ISP.

haven't found cheese curds down here
We have plenty of those too. Pretty much at every gas station. :)
I have fixed it, I'm using google chrome and am having no issues liking, quoting or posting thus far

life jacket helped getting her back into the boat because of the strap handle on top.

so, now we must decide, should we camp out this Saturday night so that we may enjoy one too many beverages at the race
Umm....ya.  What's to decide.  LOL
and I got this fandangled hybrid laptop thing working so I can actually post on EB with out posting a smile face
What was wrong with your laptop?
it was too new and all the factory settings hated eb...
We've been through that.  Let me remotely access it and it will be fine.  I'm using a Windows 8.1 machine with and no problems.  I swear it's your ISP.
haven't found cheese curds down here
We have plenty of those too.  Pretty much at every gas station.  :)
 I have fixed it, I'm using google chrome and am having no issues liking, quoting or posting thus far
I'm glad my Chrome suggestion worked

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