The Flying Pinto

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Wait... "Cause of Crash Investigated" ???


Apparanyley this thing had flown a few times before? I don't know why you would spend a million dollars and this when you could just buy a real plane?

^Because transferring your stuff from the plane to ground transport takes time and actually getting ground transport in some places is a PITA.

Besides, George Jetson had one and it was pretty damn cool.

I have to admit, even converting to an airplane fails to transform the Pinto into something I would be proud to own. The same concept has been applied to some pretty nice sports cars over the years though. Any time you try to make a dual purpose vehicle (flying car, Amphicar...) I think you wind up with a vehicle that does two things equally poorly.

Scaramanga (the villian) in the Bond flick The Man with the Golden Gun flew a similar contraption tied to an AMC Matador.

I think with the wingspan your not gonna be able to drive it on any public road....

Most of these designs feature detachable wings.  The idea is that you still have to attach the wings and flight engine before flight.

Another approach is to have this wings fold.  The Terrafugia has been at Oshkosh the last couple of years.  I think they took it through the drive-thru at the local McDonalds one year just for fun.

Video Here:

That company is very close to where I live. I have yet to see one on the road, but they were featured in the local newspaper.

i meant about the detaching wings from the pinto? just sounds like a lot of damn work!

Still not a fan of detachable wings, but this is much more pleasing to the eye than a Pinto.


^I thought the race cars shown in the first five minutes of that film were waaay cooler.

The Child Catcher scared the snot out of me when I was a kid. I still get the heebie jeebies when he looks in that basement window.
