The Dream Thread

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Capt Worley PE

Run silent, run deep
May 4, 2007
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Last night I dreamed that I was driving in to college on the first day of the semester, I was driving my old bug, and in the dream, the headlights were just as bad as they were in real life (6V electrical system, bah). It seems like it was fall because there were leaves blowing and I had the heater going. I was trying to find a place to park so I could use my bike, but then realized I had no lock for it.

As I drove around, I realized I had no idea what classes I was signed up for, what time the classes were and what room they were in. I figured I'd get someone to print a schedule up for me. It didn't really bother me.

The buildings looked like the USC campus, but all the buildings were connected with glassed in bridges over the road.

I don't have a reoccuring dream, just a reoccuring theme in my dreams. My age varies, the location changes, the situation is never the same, but I am always missing most of my clothes. Not naked, just giving a presentation without a shirt and I cant figure out how I got to work without it or sitting in class in just my tidy whities. This doesn't happen evey night, but its often enough that it has to mean something. Any ideas on what this means?

My wife would say you're probably feeling vulnerable about something in your life (job security, your spouse, perhaps a secret/lie you're afraid someone will discover) and you're trying to find your "shield/mask/armor".

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Only recurring dreams I have is where I witness some sort of horrific plane crash. Never the same circumstance, and they've become less disturbing as I 've gotten older (first one I had was when I was 16). The last one I had actually had one aircraft land safely on a local road.

I always figured they were caused by hearing an f-16 auger in about a half mile from our house when I was 14.

I was driving my old bug, and in the dream, the headlights were just as bad as they were in real life (6V electrical system, bah). It seems like it was fall because there were leaves blowing and I had the heater going.
right there you know it's a dream. Bugs don't have any heat.

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I was driving my old bug, and in the dream, the headlights were just as bad as they were in real life (6V electrical system, bah). It seems like it was fall because there were leaves blowing and I had the heater going.
right there you know it's a dream. Bugs don't have any heat.
That was one thing that was really realistic, too. My left ankle was warm, but the rest of my body was still chilly.

I have a number of recurring dreams.

One is a nightmare I first had while fairly sick as a child; the room I'm in becomes a 3-D Tetris game, with the walls and everything falling around me locking me in place.

The others generally involve gender confusion or violence.

OK. I am taking a chance here and will post about my dream.

I can fly in the dream. It is not recurrent and the situations are not the same. It does not happen frequently and I hate to wake up of that dream.

Used to have a nightmare involving snakes. Snakes scare the heck out of me. There were several of those nightmares, frequent, all different, but the one that woke me up with my heart beat as I ran a marathon, was one when the snake was after my kids. I was not able to run fast enough to stop it. It was like running in quick sand and could not see clearly. Suddenly the snake turned after me and went around my neck. Woke up at that point.

OK. I am taking a chance here and will post about my dream.
I can fly in the dream. It is not recurrent and the situations are not the same. It does not happen frequently and I hate to wake up of that dream.

Used to have a nightmare involving snakes. Snakes scare the heck out of me. There were several of those nightmares, frequent, all different, but the one that woke me up with my heart beat as I ran a marathon, was one when the snake was after my kids. I was not able to run fast enough to stop it. It was like running in quick sand and could not see clearly. Suddenly the snake turned after me and went around my neck. Woke up at that point.
Wait, wait, WAIT! I thought you had recurring dreams of your parents being murdered in a dark alley. Then seeking to avenge their death, set out to become a crusader against crime. Or have I been lied to?!

I also frequently dream that I need to shoot someone (protect self, family, friends. Never a cold blooded murder.) but I can't physically pull the trigger. Its like its rusted tight or I'm not physically strong enough to pull it. I'm sure between being naked in public places and unable to kill people means I am messed up psychologically but thems the breaks.

OK. I am taking a chance here and will post about my dream.
I can fly in the dream. It is not recurrent and the situations are not the same. It does not happen frequently and I hate to wake up of that dream.

Used to have a nightmare involving snakes. Snakes scare the heck out of me. There were several of those nightmares, frequent, all different, but the one that woke me up with my heart beat as I ran a marathon, was one when the snake was after my kids. I was not able to run fast enough to stop it. It was like running in quick sand and could not see clearly. Suddenly the snake turned after me and went around my neck. Woke up at that point.
Wait, wait, WAIT! I thought you had recurring dreams of your parents being murdered in a dark alley. Then seeking to avenge their death, set out to become a crusader against crime. Or have I been lied to?!
Well played!


OK. I am taking a chance here and will post about my dream.
I can fly in the dream. It is not recurrent and the situations are not the same. It does not happen frequently and I hate to wake up of that dream.

Used to have a nightmare involving snakes. Snakes scare the heck out of me. There were several of those nightmares, frequent, all different, but the one that woke me up with my heart beat as I ran a marathon, was one when the snake was after my kids. I was not able to run fast enough to stop it. It was like running in quick sand and could not see clearly. Suddenly the snake turned after me and went around my neck. Woke up at that point.
Wait, wait, WAIT! I thought you had recurring dreams of your parents being murdered in a dark alley. Then seeking to avenge their death, set out to become a crusader against crime. Or have I been lied to?!
Well played!


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NCcarguy @ Sep 19 2011 said:
Karen S. P.E. @ Sep 17 2011 said:
The others generally involve gender confusion or violence.

Like not knowing if you should sit or stand to pee?
I've had recurring dreams of the "I'm going to school/work/whatever as a woman and I'm the only one that knows something is wrong" variety. These dreams, in fact, were my main pre-puberty signal that something was wrong.

I've also had dreams in which I'm assaulted - verbally or physically - for my choices. Over the past few years, those dreams have become more frequent but less "get beaten to a pulp" and more "take their weapons and hurt them severely". I think that these dreams vary based on my self-esteem.

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Capt Worley PE @ Sep 19 2011 said:
Only recurring dreams I have is where I witness some sort of horrific plane crash. Never the same circumstance, and they've become less disturbing as I 've gotten older (first one I had was when I was 16). The last one I had actually had one aircraft land safely on a local road.

I always figured they were caused by hearing an f-16 auger in about a half mile from our house when I was 14.
Whoa - I have those too. I hadn't had one for a while, but just the other night, I dreamt I was watching some crazy, flying-wing airliner, and it was a Chinese airline, and as it took off a big piece of aluminum skin came off one of the wings and I commented on that to my wife. A moment later it had turned and was flying over our neighborhood, climbing, and then it began falling to pieces. I coudl see big pieces falling toward our home, straight above us. We ran inside and tried to shelter inside the bathtubs. It was terrifying. Nothing hit our house, but when we went outdoors there were pieces of the plane and fires all over the place, having crushed most of the other houses (and it wasn't even our actual neighborhood - just some generic suburbian dream landscape).

I have a few other recurring themes like tsunamis - since long ago, well before seeing any real ones. And the shooting at someone who is coming after me or my family, I have that too, only in those dreams, when I pull the trigger, the bullet kind of flies out really slow, like a low-powered BB, and I can see it fly into the attacker, and it does very little harm. The gun isn't loud, either. It's like shooting a toy gun, like one of those old disc launchers (remember those?) where the trigger pull provides the spring force that launches the projectile. I have to shoot over and over again, and the guy is still coming so I end up running away.

Then I had this other dream recently where I was riding a huge rocket, like an Apollo Saturn rocket, and we take off horizontally, but riding at the back (not up on top), accelerating along a highway, and have to pull up at just the right time to avoid hitting the powerlines, at around Mach 1. It's pretty stressful.

Yeah I guess I'm probably pretty messed up.

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About 3 weeks or so ago, I kept having dreams about taunting and beating up my old man when he was terminally ill. Could not get back to sleep after those. Fortunately the internet is still on at 3 AM.
