The Americans

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my wifes entire family (her parents and uncles) grew up in Fort Valley.. we spent a lot of weekends and holidays in that shithole place, (general area)

but did you ever go eat at the Mennonite Farm?

Nah, I never went to the Mennonite Farm, but I heard about it.

Yeah, that whole area is just godawful. I should have realized it before I moved there, when the lady at the hotel checkin desk told me 23 was the perfect age to go to the prom and find a nice girl. That was very common, apparently.

I was surpised by how many people in WR had never left the county, or never been outside the countes surrounding Houston.

People who haven't been there can never understand WR.

I should have realized it before I moved there, when the lady at the hotel checkin desk told me 23 was the perfect age to go to the prom and find a nice girl. That was very common, apparently.

In retrospect, maybe I assimilated to a point. Six years after I moved there I went out with a 20yo, which would have made her 14 when I first arrived.
