Thanksgiving as a kid vs as an adult

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We always had two Thanksgivings growing up, well 2 of every holiday. One at mt Grandma's house (Dad's mom) and the next day at my Grandpa's house (mom's dad).

We try to combine most holiday's now minus christmas. Really just consists of mr snicks parents coming over to my folks house so they aren't alone on the holidays since mr snicks brother HAS to go to his inlaws house on all holidays. Their parents get the shaft and have to celebrate with both of their kids on a different day.

This TG is going to be a somber one for my parents back home. Throughout their nearly 40 years of marriage, every major holiday meant dinner at my grandmother's house, or in the later years, bringing her to their house, or bringing her a plate of food and spending some time with her. With her passing a few months ago, it will likely be just the two of them and maybe one of my sisters.

This actually one of my least favorite holidays, growing up it was a large celebration with never less than 25 or 30, it usually just makes me sad that we can't get home (for some reason or another each year)...

last year was a treat since the hubby was TDY to an area where my BIL was stationed, I got a one way plan ticket and we got to spend it with her family, and then drove back together... this year we will be going to a co-workers house.... but it's better than the years he was deployed and I was alone having dinner with co-workers...

I've only missed one T-giving at Mom and Dad's: 1991 when I lived in IL. I grilled out a couple of NY strip steaks and had a car chase movie marathon.

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My wife has to work at the hospital tomorrow, so we'll be here instead of going home. It kinda sucks, because this is the one holiday I actually enjoy being home for, but at least she's guaranteed to have it off next year.

My wife Xmas and TG last year, so she gets them both off this year. She worked yesterday and doesn't have to go back until Monday next week. The joys of the 3x12 work schedule.

As a kid: Got stuck visiting on again/off again relatives I couldn't stand but that my parents wanted to keep appearances with. None of them could cook worth a damn, and I don't like roast turkey much to start with, so got stuck with a shitty meal.

As an adult: Spent the day with my wife hiking and watching football. Ate leftover Indian food.

I come from a gravy family, my wife is a dry turkey no gravy family.... Every year they forget the fucking gravy.... Luckily for me I started bringing my own with me..... I mean Jesus is it too much to ducking ask? I did take your daughter off your hands after all.......

I dont need gravy. If the turkey and stuffing is cooked right it doesnt need it, and we make mashed sweet potatoes instead of russetts which only needs butter and some brown sugar.

I think I like Thanksgiving more as an adult. I've been away from home for over 20 years, and for me, the most fun Thanksgivings were the ones when I would invite all the other "orphans" over to my apartment for Thanksgiving dinner & party, especially since I have been living in the islands.

My worst adult Thanksgiving was maybe 2 years out of college, working in the oilfield on TDY to Vernal, Utah. Vernal rolls up the sidewalks on holidays, apparently, and there were no restaurants whatsoever open on Thanksgiving. I ended up eating ramen noodles with a junior engineer I was assigned to train.

I did a couple Thanksgivings on offshore oil platforms, taking 30 minutes (a real luxury) to sit down and eat the truly outstanding food they would cook in the galley for the crew. Those kind of sucked, too, I guess, except that I was also making holiday multiplier (2x) on my offshore bonus pay.

Sadly, I don't have it here, although it was posted in the EB Art Museum, if you can find it.

I'll have to see if it is on my home computer, but I kinda doubt it.
