Thanks to Vets on Veterans Day!

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Road Guy

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2006
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I don't really consider myself a vet cause I was never in a place to be shot at! I know we have several here who did so thanks to you!

I did come across this odd photo of me at OCS. Can anyone guess what that "thing" is that I am standing next too???




  • OCS_1.bmp
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<Channeling VTE> Remnants of an old latrine?

But seriously, thanks for your service to everyone in uniform.

It doesn't matter if you actually saw action or not, you were prepared to when necessary. Thanks to all who served and those that still are.

A big pile of guano.

Its actually an ant hill! (Washington State) I wish I had a better picture, however this was in 1995 and I was doing good to sneak a disposable camera in my ruck..

I saw this posted somewhere and really liked it.

To Our Heroes,

Freedom is one of the greatest gifts in the world – but it is one of the most costly. Thanks to our dedicated servicemen and women, each of us gets to reap the benefits freedom brings.

Thank you for your service. Thank you for your bravery. Thank you for your sacrifices. We will never forget what you’ve done for us, and we will be forever grateful. May you and your families be watched over and protected through your service. And may you feel our heartfelt gratitude today, and every day.

Thanks for your service RG, Sapper, IlPadrino, and the others here I might be forgetting.

Also my Dad - like RG, he served during peacetime and didn't see action outside of the race riots at Ole Miss - got out just before Vietnam started really heating up.

Serious note from me. Thanks k you all. RG, Sap, dleg, jeb, and everyone else. Whether you saw action or not, you guys all exemplify the selflessness that this country needs more of.

We did the "senior phase" of OCS at Fort Lewis. They integrated us in with ROTC cadets. It was a odd mix. At OCS your a piece of shit until you graduate / apparently ROTC is different.. We moved into the barracks and set up our wall lockers made our beds and started shinning shoes,etc awaited people to come yell at us... Their cadre were defin much nicer than even had to tell me to stop saying "Sir Officer Candidate RG requests permission to speak" whenever I would need to speak to him...

But after a few weeks everyone got along fine.... But we were only allowed to go to the PX on weekends and the cadets went whenever they wanted....

I know sap went to VMI so I am sure it was OCS like- they even let the ROTC kids have knee pads for the Audie Murphy Assault Course, which I thought was BS. My knees still have scars...

Those ants were insane! They would even have little tiny trails in the grass.... Interesting story the trees had become infected with some type of moss and they had brought the ants (from Africa I think) to live there and they lived to walk up the tree and bring the moss down to their little any hill....

Thank you to all the veterans out there. We take for granted a lot of the time the freedoms that we have when we shouldn't. They had a nice breakfast yesterday at mini-ble1's school and my dad got to go for it. He served in Vietnam back in the early 70's and he enjoyed being able to spend some time with his grandson at school.
