testing some new background..

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Road Guy

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2006
Reaction score
how does this "bluer" style look to all of you? I had a lot of complaints about the "white" theme / skin /////

Blue is good, but the black text in the tabs at the top is hard to read now.  

How about a light gray color for the middle part of the page?  

Which ones? The ads posting in the center are screwed up- apparantly there is a bug in the default html.

The sidebar ads was easy once i figured it out...

I cant figure out that top ad-dude has already paid so it may have to stay till end of month..

Use the little arrow on the left of the screen to edit the widgets and go into admin cp to community / pages / custom blocks.  Add a custom block with html settings and put your ad code snippet in there.  Then from the widget management arrow, select custom block and put it in the middle top, click on edit and turn on the new one you just created.

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10-4. Thanks will work on it...

I just wish they would keep the nomenclature the same/ hooks/ widgets/ etc
