Ten Thousand

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I'm not sure I understood the significance of the sunbathers. I did understand the significance of their nipular regions.
Clearly those are the Laaksa quadruplets from the Norwegian Scientific Research Team that assisted with the Fusion Reactor Car (which by the way was AWSM). You would have missed all that while in Greenland.

I'm just glad Dleg chose the classic "Aircraft Carrier Treadmill Unicorn Gyuh-Hot Scientist" motif instead of the "Nekkid AlGore in a Bubble in Middle Earth With a Submarine" montage.

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Well done sir! From your Presidential Campaign to your epic series on Al Gore you are indeed the Spam King!!

congrats d!

now let me go delete 6 of your post so you can relive it this evening / morning...

I've been riding the 10k high all night!

Either that, or it's the stomach flu. Wait, it's the stomach flu.

Thanks everybody! Here's to 10k more!!!

Hmmm..... WTH happened?  I "celebrated" my 10,000th post last week, and then I stumble upon this thread, wherein I celebrated the same, 6 years ago?

I guess some 10k threads must have been deleted....

I think with some of the big threads like meme battle and the picture contest were deleted we lost several thousand closed in the process...

Yep.  Somewhere I remember 6K...I had a lot in the old Horse is to Stable...New goals, I guess.

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