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I just got screamed at by a contractor because a municipal engineer is asking that he regrade a slope within an infiltration basin from a 3:1 slope to a 5:1 as it was originally designed. The screaming was as a result of this being the third time that he has been asked to this. The first time was after he constructed a wall where one was never proposed in the first place and then even after we staked out the basin grades for him, he still screwed it up. Not to mention the first time he also didn't have adequate volume in the basin, yet it's my fault. He couldn't read a cut sheet and that's my fault.

I need a still fu@KIn drink right now.

EDIT: I did my absolute best to refrain from laying into this guy and telling him how completely FUBAR his jobs are.

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^ how about a vodka tonic?


I was thinking a state regulator might be able to help you out. But fox's vodka wins.

Better start early, cause we all know that the contractors begin as soon as their feet hit the ground in the morning. It really does explain why they do some crazy as things.

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