Stupid Taliban

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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2006
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Cincinnati...just Cincinnati!
The contract I'm working on here consists of a stormwater system, a wastewater treatment plant, and 3 water treatment plants at Bagram. The plants are all probably 95% complete, or perhaps I should say they were....

This is what happens when someone drops a 107mm mortar on a water treatment plant. It happened at 4 in the morning so luckily nobody was there at the time.

that is in war... in happen in all conflict area...

look iraq and afganistan... vanish cause of war between us and their local soldier....

So the Taliban want to rule AFG, but feel that the people are not entitled to safe drinking water? The Karzai Government could have a PR bonanaza with this.

So the Taliban want to rule AFG, but feel that the people are not entitled to safe drinking water? The Karzai Government could have a PR bonanaza with this.
To be fair, I don't think the Taliban actually targetted this water plant. They don't really aim at anything in particular...they just lean their ordinance up against a rock so it is pointed in the general direction of the base, fire them off, and then run away before the swarm of Apaches shows up.

how do the contractors factor bombings into liquidated damages?

Well you had 280 days to complete the project or else its $2000 / day LD's?

But we got bombed a few days ago..

Sorry its not covered in the contract...

Stay Safe over there man!

Good question! If these things typically result in a change order, I can see some contractors "renting" a mortar or two.

Yeah, this is going to be a modification to the contract for additional repair work so it'll be our dime.

We've got a letter that we sent the contractor almost a year ago that that basically says the contractor is responsible for his work until it is accepted. We have to reference it constantly when soldiers joy-riding decide to run over hydrants even after we suggested that they put concrete barriers out. I thought about playing that card just to see what they said, but since I was leaving for R&R that day, I decided against it.
