Stuck-up, spoiled kid or abused?

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I turned 18 in November 1995 and graduated in June 1996, so I was over 18 for most of my senior year. My parents thought it was better for me to start Kindergarten at age 5 instead of 4. She could be in a similar situation.

A good number of my classmates were 19 when we graduated. The only 17 year olds were me and one other nerd.

17 yr old here too. I got busted as a minor for buying alcohol for a graduation party.

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okay i re-read the article, I think if I was the father in this situation I would make sure she finished HS, I think the parents owe the child that much, but thats about it. any assistance with college would have to be based on "whatever weird circumstances" surround this family..

The article says that the school is comping the rest of her tuition since she is an honor student and only has 1 semester left.

My youngest son decided he want to be independent and free from parents and their rules. He was tired of having to tell us where he was going and when he would return. He was tired of being told to clean up his room. He didn't like our comments about his 'slack' dress code. He was going to break away from us and our strict rules.

So .....he joined the Army and shipped out on his 18th birthday.

Boy did he show us! He no longer had to follow OUR rules. BUT - suddenly - he had new rules (and many were almost as tough as ours!). There were some tougher rules - the new dress code was tougher than ours, and while living in the barracks, the cleanliness requirements were tougher.

But - almost 6 years later - he is a Staff Sergeant, and is now responsible for leading, shaping and yes - monitoring younger adults who strain at rules, and he wonders why they don't understand the need to follow rules, and if they grew up with very permissive parents. [Of late, he has expressed an appreciation for what he learned when growing up!]

Vineyard: sometimes that's what it takes. Thanks to your son for his service.

1) If you don't have the money to finish at your private school, you go to a f*cking public one or work for it.

2) I have zero sympathy for this girl whatsoever. You're so worked up over your HIGH SCHOOL BOYFRIEND that you move out? Seriously? And a 1:30 curfew? My parents used to go batshit if I was HOME and not IN BED by 10:00 PM, even when I was in high school.

Whether you agree with it or not, if you have any intelligence whatsoever, you suck it up, go you're whopping few months of remaining high school, and then go to college and get f*cked up like every other normal human being.

I knew a girl who turned eighteen, sang 'happy birthday to me,' packed her bags, and headed out. Got a full ride at VA Tech (she was freakin' brilliant) and did quite well.

Matter if fact, years ago, someone posted on here that sounded a lot like her (but it wasn't).
