Stuck-up, spoiled kid or abused?

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NJmike PE

Game Czar
May 17, 2013
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A Morris County honor student who sued her parents has been denied access to emergency money for her living expenses.

The Morris Catholic High School senior filed the suit last week, claiming her parents are still financially responsible for her even though she moved out when she turned 18 last year.

Her father, a retired Lincoln Park police chief, says the rules also included a 1:30 a.m. curfew, being respectful and a diligent effort to make good grades.

A complaint filed with the court outlined the contrasting claims made by both Rachel Canning and her parents.

In the complaint, the teen alleged that her father "gave me [her] a sense that he was inappropriately affectionate with me." The teen also claimed that her parents were verbally abusive on a number of occasions.
I really don't know what to make of this story. At first glance, she comes across as be stuck-up and spoiled because she wants what she wants, but I just wonder if there is more to the story. I don't know if I believe the story about her father being "inappropriately affectionate".

She's eighteen, she can go 'discover America.'

She just has to do it on her own.

see, that's kind of how I feel too. Put school on hold, get a job, secure yourself. Then move on with your planned life.

And I bet you she had an iPhone in elementary school....

I can just imagine what would have happened if I'd asked my parents for a $500 electronic devise to drag around all day.

I still can't get over parents giving their kids high end cell phones.

dude if the day comes that minisnick needs a cell phone while still at home it will be one of those disposable track phone things.

I can just imagine what would have happened if I'd asked my parents for a $500 electronic devise to drag around all day.

I still can't get over parents giving their kids high end cell phones.
I was never "given" anything. I grew up with the notion that I had to work for what I wanted. Oh well. When I turned 17, I bought a POS Chrystler K-car convertible. My friends were getting new Jeeps and trucks.

I can just imagine what would have happened if I'd asked my parents for a $500 electronic devise to drag around all day.

I still can't get over parents giving their kids high end cell phones.
I was never "given" anything. I grew up with the notion that I had to work for what I wanted. Oh well. When I turned 17, I bought a POS Chrystler K-car convertible. My friends were getting new Jeeps and trucks.
I should add that I bought the POS with my own money, parents were not involved.

She's eighteen, she can go 'discover America.'

She just has to do it on her own.
The law says at 18 she's an adult. no more "child support" You want to leave your family you're on your own. Let the "well-meaning" family paying for her lawyer pay for her college.

One morning as I went to take my shower and get ready for work, I found someone sleeping on our couch downstairs. It was a friend of my son's who got locked out of his house because he was out past curfew and he knew we typically kept a back door unlocked. I told the kid he was welcome to stay with us but my rules were at least as stringent as the rules his parents were imposing on him. (We are friends with his parents and they're good people). He moved on to another family who was more relaxed and stayed there for a while. He eventually realized he was being a jerk and went back home.

dude if the day comes that minisnick needs a cell phone while still at home it will be one of those disposable track phone things.

That is sorta what we got our now 11 year old daughter last year through our Verizon plan. It was more so she could get hold of us in emergency since she takes dance 20 miles away. It reduced our phone bill by 40% to add her phone. She never uses it, and she always forgets it at home. Her Birthday was last week, and she wanted nothing. When we go to amusement parks, she never wanted anything from the gift shops while I have many friends who taught their kids to always get stuff from gift shops and now complain about it.

Set the expectations early and support the kids along with doing stuff with the kids and issues tend not to happen. The ground work starts early, and you have to stay consistant.

I know everyone here already does that. :)

The beginning of this article sounded like it came from The Onion.

I think people who've been truly abused are more resourceful at finding ways to get what they need without having to resort to a lawsuit, since they've already had to cope with doing so under threats and intimidation. My 2 cents.

Our son (14) has an iphone, BUT it is a hand-me-down from my BIL. And any overages come out of his pocket.

We also broke down with my 14-year-old and got him a decent phone but it's not a brand-new iPhone or new Samsung. My other two kids have those seven dollar a month track phones and here in Colorado I really like them having them because you have to walk to school and we kind a like to know when they get there and all that good stuff but even my fifth-grader most of his friends all Have either iPhone 4s or Samsung galaxy.

But I think the girl in this new story symbolizes all that's wrong with this generation of millennial's whose parents have given them everything in their life.

I mean at least make the kids take out the trash and vacuum and such...,

^when it is time to do minisnicks laundry I have him do most of the work. I just add the soap.

once a month he also has to put the empty water jugs outside for the waterman

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okay i re-read the article, I think if I was the father in this situation I would make sure she finished HS, I think the parents owe the child that much, but thats about it. any assistance with college would have to be based on "whatever weird circumstances" surround this family..
