Sony Hack /North Korea

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Road Guy

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2006
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so apparently North Korea's dictator is so pissed about an entire movie being made about him they made a threat against movie goers?

I wonder if Seth and Franco will hire bodyguards? kind of funny but in a way not funny... I wish this movie starred jane fonda and al gore and then I wouldn't mind them being abducted by North Korea..

Shit kinda got real with those threats against theaters that show the film, but up until that point, I found the whole situation hilarious. Everybody knew that Hollywood was shady and backhanded. A sudden release of all the emails and data proves all the back room dealing that goes on in the industry. And all the actors and Sony execs are collectively shitting themselves worrying about what will get released next.

so apparently North Korea's dictator is so pissed about an entire movie being made about him they made a threat against movie goers?

I wonder if Seth and Franco will hire bodyguards? kind of funny but in a way not funny... I wish this movie starred jane fonda and al gore and then I wouldn't mind them being abducted by North Korea..

To be honest, I'm not sure I would mind Seth/Franco being abducted either.

To be honest, I'm not sure I would mind Seth/Franco being abducted either.
this. definitely Franco. I don't get him. He's nothing special as an actor. Neither is Seth, but at least he a little funny.

Glad I'm not the only one who thinks that way about Franco. I don't understand how he is still employed as an actor. I would have to assume there are enough people out there who find him funny but I certainly don't.

To be honest, I'm not sure I would mind Seth/Franco being abducted either.
this. definitely Franco. I don't get him. He's nothing special as an actor. Neither is Seth, but at least he a little funny.
All of their movies thus far:



-Token black guy

-"Oh no, what are we gonna do?"

-Gay jokes

Then, they throw darts at a board of nouns or scenarios, and make a movie from it.



-Kim Jong Un



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had no idea who Franco was, never seen any of the movies listed for him. Not a fan of seth. but I have weird tastes in comedy. I don't like will ferrel, stever correl, or Jim carey of recent times.

had no idea who Franco was, never seen any of the movies listed for him. Not a fan of seth. but I have weird tastes in comedy. I don't like will ferrel, stever correl, or Jim carey of recent times.

I HATE Jim Carry. The only movie I'll watch of his (for the most part) is Bruce Almighty and that's because he limits his stupid facial expressions. Seth has been in a few good movies, but his typical ones I don't care for because I usually feel dumber after seeing them. I do like Will and Steve though but mostly because I don't feel like they are ALWAYS type casted.

Bruce Almighty was one of his better movies. I liked Liar Liar too. He's a bit over the top for me most times.

I guess my point was I would prefer to see Jane Fonda tortured over *most* any other actor ;) & so would most anyone else whose parents served in Vietnam...

I equally loathe Jim Carrey. Don't mind Correl. Don't like Ferrell movies, but like him on SNL (the lovers in the hot tub skit).

I HATE Jim Carry. The only movie I'll watch of his (for the most part) is Bruce Almighty and that's because he limits his stupid facial expressions. Seth has been in a few good movies, but his typical ones I don't care for because I usually feel dumber after seeing them. I do like Will and Steve though but mostly because I don't feel like they are ALWAYS type casted.

He keeps his facial expressions to a minimum in the Ace Ventura movies too...

I HATE Jim Carry. The only movie I'll watch of his (for the most part) is Bruce Almighty and that's because he limits his stupid facial expressions. Seth has been in a few good movies, but his typical ones I don't care for because I usually feel dumber after seeing them. I do like Will and Steve though but mostly because I don't feel like they are ALWAYS type casted.

He keeps his facial expressions to a minimum in the Ace Ventura movies too...
+1. That was a good movie. The Truman Show wasn't terrible either. Played a more serious role. My Myself and Irene was pretty d@mn funny too. And let's not forget The Cable Guy, another good one IMO.

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I like Jim Carey. I don't like Franco (is he even a comedian?). I absolutely can't stand Seth Rogan... he jus grates on my nerves and the weed jokes aren't funny at all, maybe because I'm not a pothead. I like Will Farrell sometimes. Steve Correl has his moments. But my favorite guy these days for comedy is Vince Vaughn. That guy is laugh out loud funny.

I don't discriminate, I like to laugh, it keeps my stress level low.. so I can watch all those guys movies...

now for that Drew Barrymore, she is god awful in everything she has ever been in (& keeps getting more) except in Scream, I enjoyed her work in Scream, she should have the same role in every movie she makes...

I don't discriminate, I like to laugh, it keeps my stress level low.. so I can watch all those guys movies...

now for that Drew Barrymore, she is god awful in everything she has ever been in (& keeps getting more) except in Scream, I enjoyed her work in Scream, she should have the same role in every movie she makes...
I thought ET was pretty good.

He keeps his facial expressions to a minimum in the Ace Ventura movies too...
+1. That was a good movie. The Truman Show wasn't terrible either. Played a more serious role. My Myself and Irene was pretty d@mn funny too. And let's not forget The Cable Guy, another good one IMO.

LOL, seriously? I was joking.
