Something Creepy ...

Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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I was searching for something in the Florida Board of Professional Engineer's Minutes of Meeting (December 2007) and noted that one of the persons listed for disciplinary action was somebody who served as a personal (work-related) P.E. reference in my original application to the board. :eek:hmy:

The only information I can pick up on the complaint is the description - Unlicensed Activity. The status of the case is that it has been set for a probable cause panel for board review.

I haven't spoke to this particular person in ... a very long time. And at that time it was only to the extent that I was respectfully requesting a work reference in conjunction with FEMA reconstruction work we were both contracted for at the time.

It kinda gives me the willies reading a disciplinary case like that ...


^^^ His license was active (and unblemished) when he provided me the recommendation and even now he is listed as having an active Professional Engineer license in Florida. I am not sure what is going on - I will have to wait for the next board meeting for more details.

This guy worked for the FL DOT and was one of the FEW people around me when I was doing the FEMA work that offered to provide some mentoring. When you are thrown into the mix of having to respond to a disaster, the last thought that most people have is - "you want me to document your experience for WHAT ??!!!" Even though I was doing engineering work (and design), I wasn't working under a professional engineer (exempt by state statute) so this guy offered to lend a hand by at least keeping up with the work product I produced.

Knowing the kind of person he was (back then), it is just very unfortunate to read such a thing. While I am not in fear of anything that will negatively affect my license because I had to re-apply for my license with exam attempt #4 and used new references, I am truly saddened to know someone who has to go through the diciplinary process. I have been reading many of the disciplinary reports and I am not sure if the punishment always fits the crime - but then that's me.

