So quiet in here - has everyone else but me got results?

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I live in AZ and received my results on June 7 in '08, the test was taken on April 11. I was the first person to post results, I think because the theory was that the mailing distribution may have been in alphabetical order? Not my theory, but a poster's at that time. Regardless, if ELSES, which is who sent me my 'PASS' letter, is still who will be sending you your results, this could help in your calculations. Which by my math shows the first results letter to show on 8 weeks + 1 day from test day. Not that this takes the sick feeling out of you gut that has been making your ulcer the size of a game token at chucke cheese, but is still something to give you number crunchers something to chew on.

Good luck to all!

I was looking at the past trends and it seems like it will be VERY late June (like the 30th) or early July for NY. I'm not sure i want to know.

Is everyone else jumping when they hear their instant messenger ping that a new email is in your inbox?... this is going to drive me insane
