So...... how was October 2008???

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The Beer Baron
Dec 22, 2006
Reaction score
I took the CA seismic and surveying for the first time in San Francisco over the weekend.

I thought that the seismic exam was fair and not that bad. In my exam, several people left early.

I also thought that they surveying exam was fair, but pretty tough. I'm pretty sure that less than 20 people left early.

We'll see in mid January. :smileyballs:

I took Surveying only...for the third time! Well, I did not prepare well for my previous attempts. This time I thought I did spend good amount of time reading Kavanagh book and worked out quite a few problems. The exam also went well, meaning I could solve majority of the problems and could match the answer with one of the choices. However, I do know that these questions could get trickier and I am not very sure what would be the ultimate result! The wait until last week of January 2009 is the worst of all!

I also took the Daly City Special Civil Exam, both Seismic & Surveying, as an out-of-state comity applicant.

I thought that the afternoon survey exam is more pratical than the morning seismic, hence, experience has advantage over theory.

Anyway, good luck to all

It'll be a gruelling holidays waiting for results.

I sat for both for the first time. I thought seismic went better than I was expecting (thanks Mr. Hiner!), but survey was tougher than I was expecting. Some of those questions were just stupid. I guess I have to watch how I word it to protect "Exam Security", but nobody in the real world thinks in the process that's required for some of those questions involving map scales. I had more questions trying to figure out exactly what they were asking for, instead of working on the problems.

I almost didn't bring my protractor and scale. I'm glad I did.

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I thought surveying questions were fine, except time was tight to check them over.

Seismic sucked on the other hand. Time was very tight for me, probably because I didn't take the time to review my study material the week of the exam. I don't really care though, it's all about passing the eight-hour the first time around. California doesn't make the allotted time fair in my opinion for either Saturday's a bit of job security for some of those folks to have us paying for more then one go 'round.

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I took the surveying in Daly City and found it pretty difficult, about 50/50 if I passed. From the people that I have talked to, the seismic was rather easy this time. The first timers all have said it was pretty easy and the ones that that took it last time say it was a cake walk compared to the previous exam.
