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Resident Sweet Cheeks
Apr 30, 2008
Reaction score
somewhere between a rock and a hard place...
Okay, I am the worst person when it comes to every day electronics... but now I am seriously annoyed and aggrevated by my phone and am hopeful that someone out there in the cyber world can help me before I give it to the dogs as a chew toy. I have a Motorola Driod World (about a year old so it's not the newest version), and this morning an update was pushed through that changed the operating system (I am guessing since after the update everything looks different)... now I no longer have that little screen to pull up with all my apps on it. The apps are all still listed on the list under manage applications, and all my widgets and shortcuts work. I just can't figure out how to get to anything else that wasn't on my home screen... right about now I am soooo wishing that the hubby hadn't convinced me to give up my crackberry, heck, I wouldn't mind going back to my razor right about now... (probably not since I love Angry Birds, Ant Smasher and Spag and Marshmallows too much)

Sounds like your app drawer went missing... I don't have my phone with me, but you might try:

Menu/Add/Custom Shortcut/pick activity/Launcher Actions/Open-Close App drawer

sigh, no dice... under menu/add I only have the option for 1. Motorola widgets, 2. Android widgets, 3. Shortcuts, 4. folders and 5. wallpapers...

I tried just clicking shortcuts and all it had there was a list of my apps.... and there is no way i could fit all the short cuts on the home screens even if I used all 7 of them.

But you did give me a new term to google... "app drawer missing" so I'll see what that gives me... THANKS...

sigh, no dice... under menu/add I only have the option for 1. Motorola widgets, 2. Android widgets, 3. Shortcuts, 4. folders and 5. wallpapers...

I tried just clicking shortcuts and all it had there was a list of my apps.... and there is no way i could fit all the short cuts on the home screens even if I used all 7 of them.
No launcher actions... What version of Android are you using (menu / settings / about phone / android version)? I'm using a modded version of 2.3.7 (from cyanogen) which is what I love about Android... so my launcher (ADW) is different than the stock. But for those that love Apple's "it just plain works", it can be frustrating to some.

You can't be the only person to have had this problem... google will help, I'm sure.

sooo after searching and searching I couldn't find any program that remotely looked like it was a launcher... downloaded a free one off the market and am good to go... perhaps I should switch to an apple product... I don't really care how these things work, they just should work.... especially when I need them to!!!
