Shawn Johnson - It makes my taco pop

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Probie-one, PE
May 8, 2006
Reaction score
Holy Crap this is funny. I can't believe she said that. And NOBODY thought it was a bad idea to have a 15 year old say the line "it makes my taco pop".

^ They were ripping on that commercial on Opie and Anthony the other day. It's amazing no one caught that at the ad agency.

There's gotta be a pithy comment about putting sour cream on her taco out there somewhere.

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as the stepfather of a 16-yr old. . . really. . . its just a stupid Ortega ad, idiotically written -

I like tacos.

^ Ha, I can see it now. You know how most packaged foods have a serving suggestion or sample recipe on the box? I can just imagine picking up a nice bottle of black label and reading instructions for scotch ramen on the side of the bottle.

^ Ha, I can see it now. You know how most packaged foods have a serving suggestion or sample recipe on the box? I can just imagine picking up a nice bottle of black label and reading instructions for scotch ramen on the side of the bottle.
calories/serving = -100

you expend more energy expelling it out of both ends than you took in.

It might just catch on as a diet craze.
