Well-known member
So, I tested in October and didn't pass. I was pretty bummed out. During the course of my studying this go-round, an engineer I work gave me a piece of advice that he was given back when he was testing, which I found incredibly helpful.Just being a devil's advocate to keep my anxiety down.
My co-worker told me about how he had already tested twice and was pretty mentally and emotionally scarred from the experience. An engineer he was working with at the time asked him "Well, you're going to keep taking it until you pass, right?" My co-worker replied in the affirmative, and the other engineer asked him "Then what are you so worried about? If you don't pass this time, you'll pass the next time." As luck would have it, my co-worker actually needed a fourth try before he finally passed, but he told me that the conversation he had with his co-worker back in the day made the subsequent attempts significantly less stressful.
All I'm saying is, it's not the end of the world if you don't pass. The sun will still come up tomorrow. You'll still owe way too much money to way too many people.
Here's hoping you (and the rest of us) get the result we want.