RE-application for PE

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Nov 22, 2010
Reaction score
I took the October PE in Oregon and didn't pass. I just called OSBEELS and they told me that I can't apply to the April exam, that I have to wait until next October. Has anyone heard anything similar for other states? I'm going to call back tomorrow and see if a different person gives me a better answer :)

Some of the examinations are only offered in the October cycle. If you took one of the exams that is only offered in the October cycle, calling and getting another person will get you exactly the same answer. Check and see what examination you took. Then, look on the NCEES web site, it will detail if the examination is offered in both the April and October cycle, or just the October cycle. I suspect you received the right answer-- perhaps it could have been better explained-- however, they are not going to make an exception for you-- these are all national examinations.

maybe they misunderstood what you were asking, maybe they thought you were trying to apply for the first time and it is past the date for new applicants.

I failed October too-

Definitly call and talk to someone else.

I called our exam adminestator and the guy on the phone told me all kinds of info that seemed inccorrect-

I kept asking quetions and he got frustrated, transfered me to someone else, and she clearly knew what she was talking about.

Answered all my questions, I am now registered for April - just got it in the mail.

