Pushing U2

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
Reaction score
Has anyone else found the U2 album on your phone? I heard about it on the radio this morning and sure enough its on mine. I find this very uncool. While I don't find U2 reprehensible, I don't particularly like them, but that's not really the point. Why should Apple get to decide what gets put on my phone? What if some unscrupulous employee decides to put something really inappropriate? I have filed a complaint with Apple (alot of good that will do) and deactivated automatic downloads. I didn't even know that was there, mush less that it would allow them to put whatever they want on my phone.

they talked about that on the radio earlier this week on the Bob and Tom show. They were pissed like you that they didn't have a choice to not accept it.

Have the Southpark people been notified of this? where is it located? I am 2 or 3 updates behind - I try and hold off at all cost..

Why should Apple get to decide what gets put on my phone?
MUST.........RESIST........URGE.............to respond with an Android comment.
I'll do it for you.


I checked and have no U2 albums (4s).. If they wanted to put some good music on it I would be okay with a free album or two..

Either way though, I call BS if Apple is forcing that on users. I don't see that going over well so even if they tried it for a little while, the mass opposition in the long run would likely have them re-thinking that some.

I love how they are now playing what is seemingly a 2 minute long U2 commercial for Apple amidst all of the backlash from this B.S. It really emphasized just how much U2 sucks.

Just think of all that money U2 could be using to fight global climate change!!!!
