Jedi MASTER & Friend of Capt. Solo
I got an email recently from NSPE and thought I would share. I'm sure it's partially an attempt to secure additional membership, but at the same time there are probably some valid concerns.
Is Your License Safe?
As a PE, a typical day for you might include troubleshooting problems, designing solutions, or managing a project. What is probably not at the top of your list of responsibilities is to monitor threats to your license.
Policymakers on both sides of the political spectrum are considering options to dramatically weaken and even eliminate occupational licensure requirements. Since the start of 2016, 21 states have introduced legislation and/or regulations that would erode and even destroy PE licensure as we know it today.
Protecting the PE License
Earlier this month, at the last minute and without any advanced warning, a bill in the Nevada legislature (A.B. 353) that would erode occupational licensure in the state was scheduled for consideration the next morning. National and state leaders immediately took action, preparing a response to the bill, including filing a joint letter of opposition before the deadline, which was 5:00 PM that day. As a result of our timely and forceful intervention, in writing and working behind the scenes with our network of national and local licensing contacts, the bill was dropped from the legislative committee's agenda the next day.