Printable Weekly TV Guide

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i know when the shows I like to watch restart for the season so the tv is usually off during the week for now, except wednesday nights. Then we know the nights and times so tvguide really isn't useful for us. But even once the shows are starting next month they are likely to get recorded and watched later since they are on around minisnick bed time.

The Denver Post still sends it out as an add-on to the paper. Could you just guess what's on when from that?

At this point, I've seriously considered the NYT. Does the Charlotte Observer still carry the Sunday TV Guide? Anyone know?

EDIT: Whoops, it's the same as above. It seems like it's the right thing. What didn't work for it?
For some odd reason, print won't work here...

Spend less time watching television and more time writing your manifesto and you wouldn't have this problem. ;)
The next problem would then be where to get ribbons and spare parts for the mechanical typewriter. :p
Oh, I'll just order them over the interwebz.

Manifestos must be written with typewriters for cred, but that doesn't preclude ownership and use of computers.

My wife IS trying to convince me of this. Even told me if I felt bad for any reason to come on home.
