And I would appreciate any input on additional references. Thanx
I think "the other board" meant that they're changing references to the NEC 2005 (from the NEC 2002 version). The next edition of the NEC will be 2008. To see what changes are coming, go NEC 2008QUESTION!? I have the 6th edition of EERM, but I noticed the 7th edition is now available.? From what I can tell the only significant changes were upgrading to the 2006 NEC.? I plan on taking the Computer module.? Is it worth buying the latest edition or am I fine with the sixth?? Thanks!!!
MiaDriveDoh! I guess I should have read the date of your post singlespeed! Oh well that's what I get for trying to help . Congrats on passing the Oct PE! What made you decide to take the Power depth rather then ECC?
Will do on the Testmasters experience post.