OK, don't give up on this! YOU CAN and WILL PASS this damn examination. There is no reason not to pass. Let's review some key points. If you have taken the examination more than twice and not succeeded, you probably need to make some drastic study habit changes. Of course, I don't know your study habits, however, I would suggest that probably not much changed between exams 1 and 2. That is probably why you were unsuccessful.
If you have not done so, I would take an in-person review course. Yeah, it costs money, however, at this point, you have $2500 in this process-- so now, there is no reason not to continue on and get the damn license. The govt may not give you a promotion or pay increase, howevomer, you never know when you need the license. Find out who/where your discipline gives a taught in person review course. Sign up and go. Yes, this is another $2500-- with travel fees, course registration, etc., so now you have $5000 invested in the process. I would then plan on studying about 2 hours EVERY day after the review course-- work as many problems as they gave you, order some more exam problems and continue to work them until you know the problems cold.
As a guy who has written PE test questions, you should be able, by inspection, be able to ascertain what the question is answering. If you cannot do that, then you need to continue studying until you are able to identify, by inspection, what the question asks. Sometimes there is more information in the stem of the question than necessary. I never write a question that way, however, I have seen many that are. The key here is to find the cogent kernels of data needed to address the question. Most questions are written to be solved in 6 minutes. HOWEVER, some questions take 1 minute and some take 13 minutes to solve-- just be aware of that.
You can do this-- this is a bachelor's level examination to determine the minimally competent engineer. My academic friends tell me that this is the C- student.
I cannot address how the scoring is done to set the pass score. I have not done that yet! I am told that is coming, however, do not know how it is done. Cannot provide any insight here.
Don't give up-- you can do this-- you have way too much invested not to pass this time. I have great faith that you will be successful with the next exam provided that you make some drastic study habit changes, take an in-person taught review course and work problems at least 2 hours every day between the end of the review course and the exam date.