politics / sub forums

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Road Guy

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2006
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how do ya'll feel about the politics in the shoot the breeeze forums?

I personally used to be really big into politics (& my daughters name is Reagan) but due to the current state of affairs on both sides of the aisle and across america I have lost most all interest in politics.

But I always enjoyed a good debate about politics, and some of my most respected "internet" friends were people whose voting records were 180 degrees from mine, but we managed to be respectfull in the debates (as we should be here).

I think (hope) people can discuss the political stuff without getting personal and we can leave the posts in the shoot the breeze section, However if "the people" want to have a politics only forum we can create one.


Whatever makes the most sense to those who want to participate. Until the past 2 years, I could have cared less about it, so I'm just learning and forming opinions.

I promise, I'll attempt to work better at playing nice and being diplomatic. But, it's the debate around politics that sometimes assists me with forming those good, understandable, justifiable committments to the ideas we have and keep. I am not good at debate, because sometimes I do take it personal, and I shouldn't, I have a lot to learn just like everyone else. We're just trying to find our way, and I think that we all have a few ideals that everyone can agree on...

We live in the greatest nation on the earth, and we are at a cross-roads for this nation, where I feel that involvement from everyone is necessary and can change course of our nation for the better.

but it is creeping in here. having a seperate place, where you can stay out of if you are not interested in is a good idea IMO. plus I am girding up to totally pw3n JR, and it might get ugly. :tv:

I listen to this talk radio show on the ride home, one guy is conservative, one is liberal. they are both very articulate, and the conversation sometimes gets heated, but it is always respectful and that is why I like it.

^^^^ This is quite true.

I've been involved with them on other forums and it is ALWAYS ugly.

I am very politically minded, and can usually take 99% of it and laugh it off, but sometimes I word things harshly and don't mean to, etc. etc.

I'm undecided about it.

Fact is, my whole family is EXTREME left liberals, then you have me. Most of my friends are liberals too, it's kinda sad, but when debating them in person, they can understand my sarcasm and jokes, but those things are sometimes lost on a message board.


I think a political sub-forum will be a good idea. Much like TD, I wasn't one who thought much about politics. A few years ago, I made some glib comment about not one for being into politics and my wife commented (or lamented), "you are the most political person I know <<Insert Expletive>>". I think this sort of reality - realized or not - is true for most of us. We can't help but to be political because our views of the world and our role in it are to many degrees shaped by our personal politics.

Okay, having said that, I also realize at some point someone is going to call me out as a communist
. It is true that some of my views are slanted, but I am also not trying to convert everyone to a f'tard way of thinking. I think it helps everyone to exchange ideas and debate them in a friendly manner. Certainly my views, both liberal and conservative, have swayed over time based on thinking through a number of issues.

The thing to always keep in mind is that many of our 'beliefs' are predicated on our experiences. Everyone's experiences are different, so we invariably have different points of view. Polite, if at times pointed discussion, helps everyone IMHO. As long as everyone feels free to be open.



but it is creeping in here. having a seperate place, where you can stay out of if you are not interested in is a good idea IMO. plus I am girding up to totally pw3n JR, and it might get ugly. :joke:
Ha !! :tv:

I am ready !!

It's always in good fun !! :)


Political discussions are the easiest way to loose a friend or to damage a good relationship with a relative.
Unless it's over a beer... Wait, cans NOT bottles... OK, give me mine in a plastic yard please!

Political discussions are the easiest way to loose a friend or to damage a good relationship with a relative.
Luis, I agree that can be true. However, I would point out that I don't think RG is looking for an all-politics, all-day sort of room.

Think of it as more like a 'political' rant if you will - just in a polite way. There are some people who don't mind a rant every now and then while some just don't want to see or hear it at all. Same could be said for a number of other subjects.

I think a sub-forum at least keeps it 'contained' to where people who would like to engage in that sorta chat from time-to-time can do it without being concerned that others won't want to hear it. As stated in the thread above, some of my views could be considered f'tard - so I tend to keep it mostly to myself. Unless of course it just happens to slip out in the course of discussing something else.

Your point is well taken though.


I love a good debate and that one next door should be posted somewhere for the politicians to see. :tv:

I think there should be a seperate sub-forum specifically for politics where everyone can go at it. Then we could go back to Shoot the Breeze to cool off.

I really hate to add another forum, but I think this group should be able to deal with it alright (leaving it as it is). heck we have only banned one real person (out of 700+)

I havent even watched much of the coverage this election, to be honest, last election, I was on another board with "a bunch of liberals :tv: " and I actually went to a "MB get together" where we went to a local infamous atlanta bar and watched the '04 debates, I think I was the sole non-liberal, W got owned pretty hard, I think i sat there with a bag over my head most of the evening. OMFG am I that big a loser?

anyways, I used to be pretty die hard involved in poltics, but have gotten sick of it, I will be curious to see if my interest picks up as we get closer to the next election. I honestly voted straght Libertarian in the mid term elections, but I hate people that are really republicans but claim to be liberatarians so they dont get labeled a "neocon" and essentially expect a free pass. But I wanted to watch the gal running for secretary of state who got like 17 votes, and I wanted to say to myself "geesh she would have only had 16 votes if it wasnt for me"

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I think it helps everyone to exchange ideas and debate them in a friendly manner. Certainly my views, both liberal and conservative, have swayed over time based on thinking through a number of issues.
The thing to always keep in mind is that many of our 'beliefs' are predicated on our experiences. Everyone's experiences are different, so we invariably have different points of view. Polite, if at times pointed discussion, helps everyone IMHO. As long as everyone feels free to be open.


^^ this is a great point. from what I hear, US politics are the most polarized that they have ever been. If this is true, then talking about our opinions and why we have them is the best way to bridge the divide.

And your point is also well taken Luis. This could be a safe place to explore views on various political topics. Some things are best left in the secret room. My wife and I know that we don't talk about abortion at home. We both have very strong opinions on opposite sides of the issue, and us getting divorced would not fix the issue either way.

I'm not a big fan of the idea. Politics and other divisive thread on other board I've been on devolve into flame fests and pissing contests most of the time.
Fact is, these topics will be in the shoot the breese forum (political / religious), and I don't think we can or should restrict the kind of topics that are posted.

Question is, do we want to segregate those topics so that people don't have to watch the trainwreck?

PS - if I ever offend anyone - just tell me. Like DV, I don't mean to, but sometimes it's difficult to get across sarcasm.

I am neutral here my friends. I am not a Democrat, not Republican. So I will explore each candidate's programs and proposed solutions to the problems we have. The one is the best, or less bad, proposals, That is the one I will vote for. I live here now and know it is my duty to be more involved.

Honestly I hate politics. Have a natural adversion for it but like to read opinions and enjoy doing that. I also take notes in the process. With respect it can be done. Just remember that politics is a sophisticated version of wrestling. Sometimes the followers of X leader antagonize with the followers of Y leader and even hate their guts. In the meantime X and Y have dinner and play golf together.

I hope I am not making a fool of myself trying to explain my point, also hope you get the idea.

One other forum I participate in strictly prohibits discussion of politics and religion. So does my weekend running club. Just too many bad experiences when arguments go on too long, and alcohol is being consumed... But that being said, the discussions still happen, they just get cut short because people know "the rules".

I like debating politics, or at least reading other people's debates. But I have stayed out of most discussions here so far because I value the on-line friendships more, and I have already seen a few of us get a little heated about political subjects.

I am not sure anyone is mature enough to debate politics, but if anyone is, it should be a bunch of engineers like us. I think we should lay down some ground rules that apply in any political discussion - no personal comments or insults, counter-arguments should always lead off with some acknowledgeent of the other person's point of view, or wahtever. I think if you always keep in mind that the other people are in fact "people", and people who you have shared friendly messages with before, then it becomes more difficult to be an asshole.
