Pokemon GO

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I have three boys running around now.  You want to know why boys are better than girls?  I only have 3 peckers I have to worry about.  Those of you with daughters have to worry about all peckers.

Wow.  Never thought of it that way.  I have 3 boys and am thankful for it.  My wife and I actually agreed upfront that if we could choose what we wanted, it would be 3 boys and, for better or worse, God gave em to us.  I have 5 or 6 or 7 nieces and counting.  What little time I'm around them the drama/tears/squeals kill me. 

my belief is that it depends on how much of a drama queen the momma is..
Not always. My wife is not a drama queen, but my daughter does a good job of over reacting to things.

This Pokemon thing is crazy. A friend of mine was almost rear ended. People getting robbed, because thieves use the game to lure people to places.

I think the "get kids outside" idea is great. But this is backfiring.

Rant coming, and I don't mean to offend: on the my kid is harder stuff, try having a child with special needs. Sensory overload when you go anywhere, sensory overload when the neighbor runs a lawnmower, endless therapy to get her to do life skills that should be instinctual for any human. Going anywhere is an ordeal...and let's not get into dentist and doctor visits. Deal with that, then come tell me your kid is harder. I'd give anything for my oldest to be normal. To hear her cry over minor feelings crap, because I would know she understands and comprehends things like "normal" kids. To not have to worry about where she will be as an adult...or what will happen to her when we (her parents) die.

Heck no! That kid would rather read a book or tinker on her keyboard than do anything else.

My youngest would probably like it, but at seven she is busy mastering the art of MMORPGs through Aion and WoW. Accelerated reader program is not in her cards....but I bet she is ahead of her class through reading chat and quests in the games. And yes, she is monitored...for anyone concerned.

I've been through all that.  There are ups and downs, but I think in most cases, and overall, it gets better as they grow up.

I still credit Zelda for inspiring my now 17 year old to start talking, He didn't say a word (that we could understand) until he was almost 6

I make fun of adults playing Pokémon go but my 3 teenagers seem to be really enjoying it and having a good time together

Zelda rocks!  LadyFox still has yet to beat the latest Wii version (the one where I had to buy a new stupid Wii-mote).

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I tell people to watch the movie Temple Grandin. That's pretty much my oldest. Didn't speak until age 5 (I thought she would be mute), and eats mostly applesauce and yogurt. Though now that she's getting feeding therapy, she will eat mashed potatoes.

Anyone played Mario brothers on Commodore 64? I have never found anyone else who has.

No, but I played frogger on Atari....close enough?

And honestly, no I haven't met anyone in person who played Mario Bros on C-64. Everyone mentions Nintendo.
