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Oct 17, 2009
Reaction score
I have finally got the basis of what is going on and how to calculate these types of problems.

My question is how do we come up with the correct formula reaction? I know how to balance a eqtn but predicting the products and other reactants is interesting? :mf_followthroughfart:

for example I am using the La Grega book on Haz Waste managmet. pg 508 older book, not the latest version.

Eample 9-12 states "Chemcal QTY Determination" problem

I see the nice table for typical oxidation reaction on page 509.

  • I see that we are using a reaction that involves Cl, Na NACN.

But my question here is how did they know what else to add and not use from the reaction that they grabbed on page 509?

If I could just understand this part I would feel so much better.

Could some one please help me understand this simple problem???

Thank you so much!
