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Road Guy

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2006
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So my kids are mostly done with baseball and softball so I took a bunch of there old equipment to play it again sports and after a little negotiations I walked away with a perception "method air" whitewater kayak, skirt, paddle, and some other junk...

I did have one fairly new bat that was $200 new 1.5 years ago and didnt use much but all in all I took 2 coaches bags full of stuff and the sticker on the used kayak was $300.. The craigslist market for similar kayaks is about $250.. I think new they go for $600+

Good news is that my kids had outgrown most everything so it was of little value to me, they even gave me $5 bucks here and there for small equipment such as coaches clipboards, pitch counters, and all the other junk you accumulate getting suckered into coaching.

I was kind of surprised the only thing with any real value was the nice bat and best I saw on ebay was $45-$50 bucks and this was very little hassle for me..

Bad news is I need to find at least 2 more used kayaks by christmas and then I need to get one for myself and one for the wife(maybe).. thats going to be our new summer time hobby instead of the boat, which was $300 to fill the gas tank up.. Im gonna miss the boat for sure though... Im trying to find them while its Fall / Winter but folks on craigslist either have junk or they want 75% of retail price for them..

But I was pleasantly surpirsed with the trade in value, they offered basically around $300 for trade in value and $150 straight cash.. anyone else have any dealings with them? I have bought a used bike there before but thats about it.. The said baseball and softball never goes out of season but things like tennis rackets and elliptical machines they have way too much inventory of and never offer people a "good deal" on trade..

this weekend I am gonna dig through the rest of my garage...

When my son just started playing hockey he was lucky to get a year out of a pair of skates. You could get great deals on expensive skates at PIAS. $300-$400 skates used for one season that were like new for $50. It wasn't such a good deal for those folks that paid full price new and then went and traded them, but it worked great for us.

As he got older and was skating more aggressively, the used ones weren't available as much because all the kids would beat the heck out of their skates and foot growth slowed down so you got more wear out of them.

I got a pair of nice rollerblades there for about $40, and some new cross country ski boots. The boots are cheaply constructed but for the amount I use them they are fine.

Never sold anything there, but if I'm looking for something I'll always check them out. Problem is they don't always have what you want in the size you need, especially bicycles in my experience.

Yeah I dropped off some of my son's baseball gear there, but they had so much inventory that I think I walked out of there with 2 less items and $6.

It's a really good place to find workout equipment, espeically about 6-8 weeks after New Years/Christmas...

^. You know what's funny is the had a huge circus like tent in the back set up with at least 50-80 treadmills, elliptical machines, etc that they had guys working in( getting running) and the store manger said he hoped to have 50 treadmills and elliptically by thanksgiving cause he does huge volumes just before Xmas... Said he's been buying them off Craigslist to re sell to folks....

I've bought a lot of used ball gear there when I was coaching and it was very helpful.. Had a kid who was a great catcher, but left handed , parents wouldn't buy him a left handed catchers mitt so I found one there for $20 bucks...

I think that would be a fun franchise to own, much better than dealing with food!

Score on your new boat! The wife and I sold our two w/w kayaks a few years ago, never used them anymore. We got to a point where we started learning the roll, but never got it down completely. It's counter intuitive upside down, and frankly the lack of confidence scared the sh!t out of me when looking at class 3 or more. Between all of our other outdoor hobbies, w/w took a back seat.

2nd hand sporting stores are the bomb, wish we still had one in my town. You can always find good deals and dicker with the price. The worst they'll say is no... same for Craigslist.

We had a Second Wind Sports where I used to live. I dropped off a whole lot of crap there I didn't want to move.

I'm fine with getting stuff there. It's much better than the meathead I used to work with who bought hockey goalie gear off of EBay. It was very much in 'as is' condition, as in it stunk like a sweaty guy and completely made the office smell like armpits.

Friend of mine ran into money problems and sold a six month old piece of equipment (one of those cross country ski thingies) that he paid $600 for. he got fifty bucks.
