Plane Crash in Austin

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Sep 28, 2007
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Before even having to make a shaky recovery from the sting of the first lesson on what justice really means in this country (around 1984 after making my way through engineering school and still another five years of “paying my dues”), I felt I finally had to take a chance of launching my dream of becoming an independent engineer.
On the subjects of engineers and dreams of independence, I should digress somewhat to say that I’m sure that I inherited the fascination for creative problem solving from my father. I realized this at a very young age.
Is everyone on the board accounted for?

I'm still here. I'm not suicidal, and my aircraft is a Cessna Cardinal that is still safe in a hangar in Northern Illinois.

What a waste of a perfectly good Piper Dakota.

I do agree with a lot of what the man has to say (the notable exceptions being that big business is the problem, and that we need nationalized health care). It'll be interesting to see how many more of these types of very public suicides we have in the near future. There are a lot of people laid off, and the government is alienating people left and right.

The guy is a complete and total whiner. He's also nuts. I don't see anything here that many, if not most of us have had to deal with. Nothing is his fault, it's the corporation, the church, the government.

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He had enough money to maintain his pilot's license...

And I'm pretty sure "nuts" is a pre-requisite for flying a plane into a building.

Maintaining the license is actually pretty cheap. He's the registered owner of the airplane and a Dakota isn't exactly the bottom of the heap. He wasn't destitute by any means.

Wait, repparso was looking for a job so he could buy a plane. Maybe wil, mechguy, and I managed to harass him enough to think he was poor...

Wait, repparso was looking for a job so he could buy a plane. Maybe wil, mechguy, and I managed to harass him enough to think he was poor...
Are you kidding? Did you read the suicide note? It wasn't Shakespreare, but at least there were two or three sentences without grammatical errors.

And I don't think he'd do it unless he saw a "fatty opportunity" to make some "fun money".

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Maybe he used MS Word and used the spell/grammar check features for the first time in his life and maybe it was because his "fatty opportunity" fell through. :dunno:

There also appeared to be punctuation used in the note. Definitely not repparso.

We're just picking on you because we like you, rppearso :wub:

I'm still here. I'm not suicidal, and my aircraft is a Cessna Cardinal that is still safe in a hangar in Northern Illinois.
What a waste of a perfectly good Piper Dakota.
You know... someone really needs to do something about these Assault Airplanes. Do they let just anyone get one of these?

As a nation we need to wake up and ban these things. Any plane equipped with fully-automatic flaps, noise suppressors (aka "silencers" aka "mufflers"), pistol grip controls, high-capacity fuel tanks, or landing hooks should be banned. Also there should be a 3-day waiting period for all pilots before they can fly, just to make sure they cool their jets before they fly off the handle and do something stupid.

Wait, repparso was looking for a job so he could buy a plane. Maybe wil, mechguy, and I managed to harass him enough to think he was poor...
Are you kidding? Did you read the suicide note? It wasn't Shakespreare, but at least there were two or three sentences without grammatical errors.

And I don't think he'd do it unless he saw a "fatty opportunity" to make some "fun money".
ahahahahahaha!! :deadhorse:

too funny

Wait, repparso was looking for a job so he could buy a plane. Maybe wil, mechguy, and I managed to harass him enough to think he was poor...
Are you kidding? Did you read the suicide note? It wasn't Shakespreare, but at least there were two or three sentences without grammatical errors.

And I don't think he'd do it unless he saw a "fatty opportunity" to make some "fun money".
ahahahahahaha!! :deadhorse:

too funny
Yeah, except I don't know who Shakespreare is. Who wrote that comment anyway? Oh yeah, it was me.

Wait, repparso was looking for a job so he could buy a plane. Maybe wil, mechguy, and I managed to harass him enough to think he was poor...
Are you kidding? Did you read the suicide note? It wasn't Shakespreare, but at least there were two or three sentences without grammatical errors.

And I don't think he'd do it unless he saw a "fatty opportunity" to make some "fun money".
ahahahahahaha!! :deadhorse:

too funny
Yeah, except I don't know who Shakespreare is. Who wrote that comment anyway? Oh yeah, it was me.
Maybe Shakespreare is the evil twin who can't use proper grammar and spelling, and comes across as a complete douchbag...

<--- reports himself to the admins for "flaming and derogatory comments towards a fellow forum member"

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