oven issues

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Taking suggestions
Nov 3, 2006
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we noticed the top frame/sash? part of the oven right above the door is getting Extremely hot touch while the oven in on. Never happened before. Any ideas on what could be causing it? we might be going out to buy a need oven this weekend because I don't want the kiddos burning themselves

There's a good possibility your door seal is failing.


we noticed the top frame/sash? part of the oven right above the door is getting Extremely hot touch while the oven in on. Never happened before. Any ideas on what could be causing it? we might be going out to buy a need oven this weekend because I don't want the kiddos burning themselves
Could be the spring mechanism for holding the door closed if the seal looks to be in good shape. the springs can stretch over time and occasionally one of them will break. sometimes there's even an adjustment that you can make to tighten things up...

the hinges look like they are still in go shape...there is still a lot of force in them. We are debating how much we want to spend on trouble shooting the problem.

Almost summer time so grilling season starts... I would try to make it last until ovens are out of season and then just buy a new one when you can get it on sale like during a holiday event or something... they say the best time to buy most appliances is between sept and oct

a basic GE smooth top electric range. I wanted to go back to the coils because cleaning the glass top is a major PITA, but mr snick wanted the glass top. since he does most of the cooking I backed off the PITA cleaning reason.

I never had a smooth top one before.

In my last house I just had coils and now in my new house we have gas.

Is it hard to crack the top of one of those smooth top electric ranges?

we have had the current one for 8 years and not so much as a scratch. just a PITA to clean because if you don't clean it up as soon as it happens things crust and become immovable. it has to be a special cleaner and a LOT of elbow grease. my dad uses a flat blade on really tough spots. I haven't resorted to that because i fear i will scratch it.
