October 2020 15k SPAM Thread

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I want to sleep.

okay so my heart is melting right now, and these two are responsible
Same. These bottle babies are going to be the death of me. The Boy (brown) is staying with his sister's new family for the day. She was adopted by my good friends and they live only a few minutes from my office. So, since I'm in the office this week I figured he might as well tumble around with sissie during work hours! Also, they're considering just going ahead and adopting him, too! Muahahha.

Here's the Girl with her new (big) brother:


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Yup! I have two doxies and two corgis I'm watching this week. This doxie tends to want to help me with everything. Any time I get up to pee, grab a glass of water, anything, he is right there, like, "I CAN HELP YOU, PET MEEEEE"
Two doxies and two corgis, how can you handle that cuteness?

(I have a dachshund and I love themmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.)

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