October 2019 15k SPAM Thread

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Me, talking to me:


Ok so I’ll sound like a noob here but on my desktop I just see a box and can only see emojis on my phone...what’s the EB slang with the crab/lobster emoji?! 😂🤷🏼‍♀️ Still learning 
It started as lobstah. 

@LyceeFruit is from New England and lobstah is a thing and they informed the thread that the lobster emoji is new (or, was, at the time). I thought it was hilarious/cute and just kept repeating it. Then someone called it a crab, so now it's even funnier (to me). I'm simple.
Sen. King tweeted the Unicode people to get the lobster added. 

It was actually confused for a scorpion first

Then also got confused with a scorpion.
Then I started randomly replacing it with a crab. because we also have crabs up hurrr

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