October 2019 15k SPAM Thread

Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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I say no to more garbage.

But, that's what I normally say. I'm not a garbage eating person.

I say no to more garbage.

But, that's what I normally say. I'm not a garbage eating person.
Generally, I don't either. But today we had three people leave and now I'm literally the only mechanical engineer (licensed or otherwise) in the entire building. Actually, the entire division.

Generally, I don't either. But today we had three people leave and now I'm literally the only mechanical engineer (licensed or otherwise) in the entire building. Actually, the entire division.
Did they leave of their own volition, or were they fired?? Why is this happening to you??

Good thing you're about to get that second P.E. license, so you can transfer careers!

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Did they leave of their own volition, or were they fired?? Why is this happening to you??

Good thing you're about to get that second civil P.E. license, so you can transfer careers!
A string of retirements and 1 voluntary job transfer. It's the government so it's somewhat easy to move around. It's OK, I kind of knew it was coming and I joined up because I wanted the challenge (also the pay, but the challenge/learning opportunity), but today is day zero and I'm flying solo starting Monday. With great power...something something.

Generally, I don't either. But today we had three people leave and now I'm literally the only mechanical engineer (licensed or otherwise) in the entire building. Actually, the entire division.
Amateur. ;) I'm literally the only nuclear engineer in my agency of 3800 people.

No pressure amirite

Ooo, @leggo PE, when do you think the first rain will occur? I'm debating if I want to reinstall fenders this weekend or keep putting it off (for commuting).
Good question. I'm hoping soon, because of the wildfires... But I don't think there's any in the ten day forecast... I'm hoping it's within the next two weeks though.

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