October 2017 15K, or get Matt267 PE banned, SPAM thread

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you cannot. you have a dinner/pool party/pillow fight/ slumber party, etc. on friday night
Excuse you, you are not the boss of me!

How do you know the dinner/pool party/pillow party/slumber party is not at my house?

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Excellent point!

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Beers, bikes and bras


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i don't like bras.

anyone wanna come clean my house for me? i can pay you in whiskey and hi5s
Lets work out a trade.  I don't wanna clean my house either. I have a bottle of decentish Rye.

  I can maybe find you an 11 year old in the area.  Questionable cleaning skills.  But likes hi5s.  Does not drink whiskey at last check. 

Not even 2k posts yet. This is pitiful.

Rules suspended until further notice

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