October 2015 Spamfest

Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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@thekzieg PE Do you remember when we are supposed to get license no's in WA? I remember the wall cert is a ways out but can't remember what they said for the number. 
You guys get wall certificates? I get an emailed pdf of a certificate that I can print if I want.

Bush league. Can you at least order a legit copy from the state if you want it?

I just want the numbers. I'll be happy with the numbers.

2 minutes ago, matt267 PE said:

Don't think so.
That's kind of a bummer. However, I'm probably going to add the wall certificate to the pile of things I "really should frame and hang up." So license number and stamp are really the only things I'm concerned with. 
Ha. Completely agree. That's exactly where my diplomas are.

Even the stamp is pretty much a formality. I don't think I'll be stamping anything for a while.

Except for the stack of post-it notes on my desk because the stamp just looks cool. Haha

Interstellar is on Hulu. Interesting. Guess I'll watch it again till husband comes home from his haircut. 

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