October 2014 SE Test - Results

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Lateral: Acceptable

Vertical Morning: 26/40

Vertical Afternoon: 2 Acceptable, 1 Need Improvement, 1 Not Acceptable

Well, I guess I have to study again, not very happy with the outcome after 5 months of study but it is what it is.

BIG congrats to everybody who passed, this is a nice Christmas gift and Good Luck to those who keep shooting for the stars :)


I'm with you, Darius. Here are my results:

Vertical: Passed


AM: 26/40

PM: Wood/Masonry: Needs Improvement

Concrete: Unacceptable

Steel: Acceptable

General Analysis: Acceptable

So, I'll be taking the lateral exam along with the PE in April 2015. This is sort of what I expected. I know the question on concrete that got me.

Ah, looks like you were close Dave and darius. Those unacceptable's really hurt I believe but this is probably why most people take 2 tries at a section. It's just so hard to guess what actually is important to study and what's not. I learned a lot after I took the exam one time. Good luck on your repeat and good that you both passed one part, 2nd time is definitely the charm.

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Congratulations to all the "acceptable" getters!!! (Don't you wish they would make it sound a little more positive?)

lol, showed the results to my friends. One jokingly said, "if there was one word I would use to describe you it would be 'acceptable'."

I vote we change it from "acceptable" to "WINNER!".

argh! still waiting on Florida! Seems to be an endless stream of PE results first....

Right there with you for CT. Except they've released nothing to anyone including PEs. Pass or fail, the not knowing for now 2 days is the frustrating part!

argh! still waiting on Florida! Seems to be an endless stream of PE results first....

Right there with you for CT. Except they've released nothing to anyone including PEs. Pass or fail, the not knowing for now 2 days is the frustrating part!
I've been watching the PE boards...first result emails came in at 11:30 this morning...and they are still coming out. I swear they are composing each one individually...

Just got an email from Indiana - told me I passed Vertical, but not Lateral. Has not been updated on NCEES dashboard yet though. Really curious to get my breakdown for lateral. Glad the wait is over..


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