Obama aims to ax the moon mission

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Capt Worley PE

Run silent, run deep
May 4, 2007
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And what will the moon mission be replaced with?

In the meantime, the White House will direct NASA to concentrate on Earth-science projects - principally, researching and monitoring climate change - and on a new technology research and development program that will one day make human exploration of asteroids and the inner solar system possible.
As if we don't have enough of that already.

"We certainly don't need to go back to the moon," said one administration official.
Oh, yeah. Just let the Chinese get the jump on all the Helium-3 about the time they develop fusion reactors (hopefully).

What a far sighted bunch. I hope congress keeps the Moon mission alive.

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Maybe it's total pork, but I support the space program intiatives. I think there are valuable things to be learned from it.

There's already enough climate change crap going on to appease the tree fuckers.

Maybe it's total pork, but I support the space program intiatives. I think there are valuable things to be learned from it.
There's already enough climate change crap going on to appease the tree fuckers.
Are there only tree of them? I thought it was more.

Forget about:


[SIZE=12pt]This is what will inspire America's next generation of scientists:[/SIZE]


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NASA may be total pork, but space kicks ass so I'm OK with it.

Who wants to explore asteroids? Spinning chunks of iron through space isn't exciting at all. Exploring Mars would be sweet however.

Forget about:


True Story: Verner Von Braun, the director of NASA during the Mercury through Apollo years, was an SS Major and had slave laborers constructing V-1 and V-2 rockets at his secret facility in East Prussia. His inventions killed thousands of British civilians during the V-1 and V-2 Blitz of London. He was also a member of the Nazi Party. Now why was he not put on trial with the rest of the other big wigs in Nuremburg? Why because we competed with the Russians to steal as many German and Japanese scientists as possible to get our hands on their advanced weapons designs. As for their terrible pasts.....we'll they helped us beat the Russians so we can look the other way. One of the great ironies of Second World War.
Many don't know it but the Japanese committed atrocities just as the Germans during WWII. However the Japanese atrocities were more sadistic and cruel,but in exchange for the medical information derived from their torture and abuse of the Chinese we ( USA ) turned a blind eye to the overwhelming evidence of the war crimes.

Virtually no one gives a crap about the Chinese killed by the Japanese, nor the gypsies, homosexuals and political prisoners (Communists) killed by the Nazis. Everyone only remembers the Jews that were slain and forgets everyone else who lost their lives.

So in short, war crimes can be forgiven if you commit them to attain some useful end such as medicine or rocket science.

In the meantime, the White House will direct NASA to concentrate on Earth-science projects — principally, researching and monitoring climate change — and on a new technology research and development program that will one day make human exploration of asteroids and the inner solar system possible.
I would agree to anything reducing lavish spending at this point... but please don't re-direct NASA to climate change. What a bunch of nonsense.

When I worked in air-to-air missiles, my supervisor told me he started his gov career at NASA under von Braun. He said the guy was pretty sharp. Turns out the SS thing was a prerequisite to do what he wanted (rocket research) and he realized he got in bed with the devil too late.

I guess it goes back to the 'iI was just following orders' lines the nazis gave at Nuremburg.

I read von Braun's autobiography, and it was pretty interesting.

Dumb ass, I mean Obama, is just trying to look a little more like a conservative before the nov 2010 elections.

Well, it is done. Constellation has been cancelled. Looks like the shuttle will do the final flyouts, and then be retired. the last shuttle flight will probably be this year, but maybe next due to holdups.

So, after that, NASA will rely on the Russians for manned space flight and will have to depend on the Air Force and maybe commercial interests for satellite launches.

Pretty sad, IMO.
