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Stick a piece of coal in that guys ass and you'll get a diamond.

He might just be an angry person, but I suppose that he is a person of interest.

Is this that putz that would ask the lamest questions, including repeating and rephrasing the same questions repeatedly?  "What depth should I take?  What references should I use?  How many hours should I study?............. What depth should I take?  What references should I use?  How many hours should I study?...............  What depth should I take?  What references should I use?  How many hours should I study?"?  No, sorry, I am thinking of Nightwing. 

also odd that this nightwatch character suddenly shows up today? (his/her account is banned though)

so about the same time this thread happened I also IP banned MIG, and the NCEES IP #, I haven't heard anything from them since then.  I wonder if they have other avenues to monitor the board or if they are just not saying anything to me about it?

LOL, was wondering about that having not seen their name pop up in awhile. Will be funny if MIG actually emails you to see what gives. :lmao:

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I plan on getting really ballsy in October and "forgetting" to turn the site off and see what happens (assuming I am still holding the keys by then)

That's what I have been saying for years.  Why protect people from their own stupidity?  Let PE natural selection commence! 

My only worry is I really don't want to be party to some lawsuit between some disgruntled invalidated exam taker and ncees... Easier for me in terms of risk to just not let them have the opportunity....
