In question 506 of the practice exam, it asks for the minimum length of curve required for adequate stopping sight distance for a design speed of 60MPH. This is a sag curve with G1= -1.35% and G2= 2.40% The solution uses L=K*A = 136*(3.75%)=510'. What they did not show in the solution is if they checked to see if S<L or S>L utilizing equations (3-48) and (3-50), respectively, in the GDHS-6 Edition. My questions is, when calculating passing/stopping sight distances, is using L=K*A a "failsafe" approach to solving equations like this, or is this the method they choose to solve this particular problem. The reason I ask this is becasue other practice problems show solutions verifying S<L or S>L using the appropriate equations (i.e. sag curve vs. crest curve). Thanks. in adavance.