NC Results are out

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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2009
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A study friend of mine got his results yesterday - anyone else get their results yet?

ok.. no letter in today's mail... anyone out there receive theirs yet?

I checked the mail today and there it was. Glad it was the thin envelope!!!! Results are definitely out. I'm in 28412.

do they mail them out per zip code or last name? Hope to have mine tomorrow....

Thin envelope? My fail letter came in a thin envelope last time..

My apologizes, I thought fail letters came with diagnostic scores so bigger envelope. I'm not sure how they mail them to be honest, but if it was last name I'd definitely be in the 1st batch.

No letter today either - wonder if that is good or bad? Anyone get their letters today? GOOD LUCK!

Good news for you because, I failed, I received a fail letter last saturday in a small envelop, passing candidates must take longer for mailing because it's take time to print the certificate!! good luck, you may receive your license tomorrow!

are you a student? have you been out of school for a while?

are you a student? have you been out of school for a while?
I spoke with NCBELS yesterday and they said the student applications/results were mailed out on Friday (received Saturday) while everyone "non-student" had their results mailed out yesterday and you should be receiving them today. The lady who was in charge of non-student results was on vacation when they received the results.

Friend of mine failed with a 60% - what does it take to pass??????
