My Write In Election Campaign is taking off

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God Bless America! oops. Sorry.

I wouldn't want to get bad publicity for your campaign with my intemperate language.
My campaign needed more plublicity. It also needed states to actually allow write-in votes. I couldn't write-in my own name here in OK.

I still haven't conceded the election though. They are still counting votes in Alaska. :unitedstates:

I almost wrote myself in for commissioner of Fincastle (my local town), but I was afraid I would win. There were no names on the ballot, and you could write-in and vote for up to 4 people. I figured one write in vote might be enough for a victory.

I almost wrote myself in for commissioner of Fincastle (my local town), but I was afraid I would win. There were no names on the ballot, and you could write-in and vote for up to 4 people. I figured one write in vote might be enough for a victory.
I wrote in myself for a student government position in college and won. No one voted for the two on the ballots. It was funny, because I had to withdraw my position since I was transferring from Tarleton State to Oklahoma State after finishing up my 4th year of college baseball. I explained to the Dean of the Technology department that I didn't think I would win, and that I didn't want to vote for two kids that I didn't know. I had to appoint one of them to take my place.

I also won a special election for an engineering society state chair by saying, yeah I will do it.

I wrote in myself for a student government position in college and won. No one voted for the two on the ballots. It was funny, because I had to withdraw my position since I was transferring from Tarleton State to Oklahoma State after finishing up my 4th year of college baseball. I explained to the Dean of the Technology department that I didn't think I would win, and that I didn't want to vote for two kids that I didn't know. I had to appoint one of them to take my place.
I also won a special election for an engineering society state chair by saying, yeah I will do it.
which means they didn't vote for themselves either, or someone else wrote you in too.
