Moving the Blackbirds

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If I end up staying out west a goal of mine is to drive to the first Area 51 warning sign and get my picture taken, and I defin wont go past the sign that says "go past here you will be arrested"

I wonder if our country can pull of secrets today like they used to? 60 years ago not everyone walking around town had a phone on them like today..

I saw them move a blackbird from the de-mil hangar down GA 247 to the Robins AFB museum. Impressive sight.

It was more impressive watching it fly in. It had just set the W-->E cross country speed record.

The dad of an acquaintance of mine (not really a friend because he's a complete douche) was a test pilot for the Blackbirds. If you ever saw published photos or videos many years ago, it was most likely him. Yeah, I know, CSB.

Cool pictures, but where are the aliens?

As far as what we could do 50 years ago, who's to say we're not doing something more impressive right now? No one knew about the SR-71s at that time, either.

But yeah, probably not....

Ever see the transport of a turbine generator or a nuclear pressure vessel? That is pretty impressive.

Or perhaps the construction of nuclear powered submarines and aircraft carriers. I would say we still do some pretty impressive things. It's just where to look to find out about them.

Ever see the transport of a turbine generator or a nuclear pressure vessel? That is pretty impressive.

Dad traveled fifty miles to take pics of some giant powerplant part being moved. Articulated trailer with 18 steerable axles. Auxiliary pusher truck (with Rocky Mountain gearing, as the guy told Dad, who's been a big OTR tractor fan since childhood). Pretty impressive.

the construction of nuclear powered submarines

I know a group of old men that would love to see this... my dad meets with his 'sub-vets' guys for coffee every week

Navy nukes, especially the bubblehead variety, are an interesting lot. We had a TON of them in engineering school in the mid eighties.
