More Good News...and Post #1k

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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2006
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Cincinnati...just Cincinnati!
For post number 1,000 I'll share some good news. Not only do I get to go home in a few days, I also just found out that I get to redeploy from here (Bagram) as opposed to flying out of Kabul. Going out of Kabul would involve a 15 minute flight followed by a convoy ride through the hell that is Kabul (where there is always news of car bombs and suicide bombers), two nights in the bunkhouse with 30 other guys in squeaky metal bunkbeds, another convoy ride (that happens at the same time every two weeks and follows the same route) back to the airport in Kabul (where 9 people were blown up recently) before heading to Dubai. Leaving from here involves me walking across the street to check in for my flight before getting a ride from one of the guys up to the flightline in a (unarmored) Hyundai Tucson. Hmmm, which one to choose.

Do they fly in women over there? Like for entertainment uhm-uhm...its so close to the eastern block and all

great to hear!
so are you having to come back or are you done?
I'll be back...only 6 months next time though. The job I took was a deployable position which means over a 4 year period I can be deployed between 1 and 2 years and since they're always asking for engineers, I'm guessing I'll be doing the full 2 years. They've told me they're already planning on me coming back in Feb. but I asked them if I could move it up to the beginning of Jan. so the boys would be in school most of the time I'm gone and I won't miss much of their summer.

Do they fly in women over there? Like for entertainment uhm-uhm...its so close to the eastern block and all
I've heard rumors that the massages on the base used to be "extra special" but some people couldn't keep their mouths shut and ruined it. Supposedly there is a brothel at one of the contractor's LSA's and/or the Egyptian compound, but none of us have been able to confirm any of that.

SapperPE said:
Yeah, I have flown in and out of both Bagram and Kabul, and will choose Bagram over Kabul any day. But, why if you fly to Kabul, would you have to take the death ride in the rhinocerous looking bus, they have decent billeting at Kabul, about three blocks from the terminal? At least they did when I was there.
We have to go to the USACE headquarter at Qalaa House (right next to Camp Eggers) so the Col. can get his photo op.

The new Colonel came up today and we did our presentation. I ended up getting three medals.


Now I need to finish packing stuff up and mailing as much stuff home as I can before it's time to leave.

Congrats!!! THe green and white ribbon with gold medal (far left) is the commanders award for civilian service, yes? I have a commanders award for public service and mine is white and green ribbon with the gold medal...very similar but different.

What are the other 2?

Congrats!!! THe green and white ribbon with gold medal (far left) is the commanders award for civilian service, yes? I have a commanders award for public service and mine is white and green ribbon with the gold medal...very similar but different.
What are the other 2?
That is the commander's award. The other two are a GWOT award and a NATO award. Of course, those were just for display purposes only. They have little binder clips on the back so they're easy to attach and then as soon as the ceremonies are over, they yank them and give you the medals you get to keep in their boxes...not a display case box, just the cardboard box they come in. Now I know how they feel in Hollywood when they get their Oscars.

Congrats!!! THe green and white ribbon with gold medal (far left) is the commanders award for civilian service, yes? I have a commanders award for public service and mine is white and green ribbon with the gold medal...very similar but different.
What are the other 2?
That is the commander's award. The other two are a GWOT award and a NATO award. Of course, those were just for display purposes only. They have little binder clips on the back so they're easy to attach and then as soon as the ceremonies are over, they yank them and give you the medals you get to keep in their boxes...not a display case box, just the cardboard box they come in. Now I know how they feel in Hollywood when they get their Oscars.
