Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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Hope all of you Gals and Guys have an awesome christmas and a happy new year!

and by happy I mean shots, shots, shots, jager bombs, mudslides, buttery nipples, vodka, shots,shots, shots,

I like the way you "slipped" those "buttery nipples" in amongst all the drinks! :plusone:

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everybody

To all my internet friends, to those of you whom I have met, have yet to meet, and may only ever be an internet friend... I wish you the happiest time during Christmas and a new year filled with blessings. May you have time to spend with your loved ones, May you be blessed enough to have your needs met with a little extra to enjoy, May you have a year filled with no troubles or burdens and May you experience what life can give you enjoyably.

An Irish Christmas blessing...

“The light of the Christmas star to you, The warmth of home and hearth to you, The cheer and good will of friends to you, The hope of a childlike heart to you, The joy of a thousand angels to you, The love of the Son and God’s peace to you.”

For all of you who are not of the same views... I wish you the same during whatever holiday season you are celebrating.

And what Road Guy said.... shots shots shots etc etc etc :)

^I think I might have seen your boyfriend's review on youtube tonight? IDK

Alabama does thier permits on a calendar year so can't take it off our property until after new years (kinda thought it was stupid to get the permit for a week and then have to get a new one)... luckily, there is enough land out back that I can shoot here at the house. I'm still researching Georgia's laws, since the shooting range is on that side of the river, I think my permit here will be good for over there but they are stricter and I have to keep the ammo in a different part of the car (figure that out, what am going to with the gun then, throw it at someone?)

and pbr... my husband wants to know if you can send the link to the vid with my boyfriend in it...

EG, what make of 38? I'm just curious.

For concealed carry reciprocity maps, I like to go to the following sites: and Both have links to the state laws on what is permissible on carrying in that state, etc...

For example, I know that Michigan requires you to immediately notify an officer that you have a permit, regardless if you are carrying or not, when approached by said officer or you can loose it (a good friend lost his because he failed to notify immediately during a traffic stop). Michigan also requires that the firearm be separated from the ammunition while traveling in a vehicle with the firearm in a location that is locked and not accessible to passengers during traveling IF you do not have a permit. Permit holders are permitted to have the firearm loaded and accessible and MUST have their permit with them while carrying.

While I don't legally need one in Alaska, I have one and it is looked upon as a "good guy card" by law enforcement. I have carried while traveling to the lower 48 on occasion without any issues (other than TSA at the airport check in counters).

Happy New Year as well! Hope all had a Merry Christmas

EG, what make of 38? I'm just curious.

For concealed carry reciprocity maps, I like to go to the following sites: and Both have links to the state laws on what is permissible on carrying in that state, etc...

For example, I know that Michigan requires you to immediately notify an officer that you have a permit, regardless if you are carrying or not, when approached by said officer or you can loose it (a good friend lost his because he failed to notify immediately during a traffic stop). Michigan also requires that the firearm be separated from the ammunition while traveling in a vehicle with the firearm in a location that is locked and not accessible to passengers during traveling IF you do not have a permit. Permit holders are permitted to have the firearm loaded and accessible and MUST have their permit with them while carrying.

While I don't legally need one in Alaska, I have one and it is looked upon as a "good guy card" by law enforcement. I have carried while traveling to the lower 48 on occasion without any issues (other than TSA at the airport check in counters).

Happy New Year as well! Hope all had a Merry Christmas
It's a taurus ultra-lite .38 special... and I am finding all sorts of loop holes in the law sorta, lol... since technically the gun range is also a repair shop, I can actually take it over there to shoot with out a permit as long as the gun is in a locked case during transport and that I don't have the ammo stored in the same part of the car. I'm planning on first and foremost going to the hand gun safety course that they offer there since it's definitly different then anything I've ever shot before... I'm still iffy about having a gun with no safety on it in the house, but it is what it is... and it's a pretty sweet lil gun :)

And thanks for the websites!!!

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Nice gun EG. My boss's wife carries the taurus ultra-light in .357. She prefers the 38 specials in it as it's got one heck of a kick due to the lack of weight on the barrel. I've taken it to the range a few times myself; but I'll stick to my usual carry weapon if I'm going to carry.

There are a few loopholes in every state that allows concealed carry; so the class is helpful in getting to know what is required for your home state and where those loopholes are. Enjoy the class, I've yet to hear from anyone that didn't like the courses.

You're welcome for the websites, those are just a couple that are out there, but I've found they typically have the most updated information.

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